Incontrol sc2 dead
Incontrol sc2 dead

incontrol sc2 dead

  • Adepts and Talis lose their ability to cast shade when they are stasised by Stasis Wards while the Shade is active.
  • Impalers are pulled by Fatal Attraction while burrowed.
  • Dakrun and Tyrannozors are instantly killed when Double-Edged is active.
  • When Zweihaka spawns, he gets auto-rallied to different locations.

    When a Dehaka Brother gains the Deadly Reach upgrade with Broodbrother (P3), the other brother gets the upgrade too, regardless of level.Thorns from Tyrannozors and Dakrun can be blocked by Point Defense Drones.The range buff that units get when Devouring One (P1) Dehaka devours an air unit is 15 seconds and is unaffected by masteries or Devour level.Manually commanding Explosive Creepers to attack ally or your own units will deal 0 damage.Primal Contender (P2) Dehaka can be prevented from despawning by loading him into a Nydus Worm before using Pack Leaders.Pack Leaders do not get Zeratul's Void Seeker's Super Cloak.Pack Leaders are not valid targets of Stetmann's H.U.G.S Overload.Devouring One (P1) Dehaka devours can heal mission objectives like Aurana on Malwarfare, Harvesting Bots on Mist Opportunities, and Miner Evacuation Ships.Dehaka cannot leap into a group of Siege Tanks.Broodbrother (P3) respawn timer is only based on Dehaka's level.Abilities casted by Power Overwhelming ignore Guardian Shell invulnerability and still damage the unit.Black Death damage ignores Guardian Shell.The lava surge damage on The Vermillion Problem ignores Guardian Shell.Hybrid Behemoths and Hybrid Reavers Consume DNA ability ignores Guardian Shell.Colossi attacks can kill units that have still not used Guardian Shell.Arkship Commandant (P3) Unbound Fanatics do not spawn if Orbital Strikes are targeted on top of structures or sieged Siege Tanks.Structure Overcharge can target units with Polarity even though it cannot damage them.Alarak's Force Fields do not block Zagara's Baneling Barrage.Structure Overcharge still fires from structures in stasis by a Hybrid Nemesis.Slayer Phasing Armor neither cancels Hybrid Destroyer's Graviton Prison nor prevents any damage.

    incontrol sc2 dead

    Mothership Thermal Lance can auto target Thrasher projectiles and cloaked units if there is at least 1 visible target in its autocast range.If you use /dance with Wrathwalkers, they lose the ability to fire while moving if they move right after dancing.Havocs can provide buffs from inside War Prisms.Enemy units knocked into the air by Destruction Wave can heal Alarak through Soul Absorption even if they are not killed.Artificer of Souls (P1) can sometimes lose stacks if Supplicants are sacrificed in a single game loop.Ravagers are pulled by Fatal Attraction while burrowed.Double Edged damage to self is counted for Life Leech bonus provided by Biomass.Brutalisks can be Feared, despite having the Frenzied passive.Black Death damage to self is counted for Life Leech bonus provided by Biomass.Toxic Nests can be placed on top of Swann Flaming Betties, making them unable to unburrow and attack.Overload shield despite being invulnerable Symbiotes can attack when unit is in transport.Swarm Host's Spawn Locust cooldown buffed by a Psionic Devouring One (P1) Dehaka reduces the cooldown of the ability, but will not be autocasted.Swarm Host's Spawn Locust cooldown is based on attack speed.Score screen displays jumping units (e.g.Prestiging a commander while the game countdown is active adds experience to the level 1 commander while the player plays at mastery level.

    incontrol sc2 dead

    Players can play at 180 mastery points by using an arcade exploit.Players can destroy their initial structures and rebuild them elsewhere on certain missions and stop mutator units such as Propagators from being given a move command to their base.Units with the "Frenzied" passive can get stunned with Stank's Headbutt, Hunterling's Leap Attack and stun abilities from Void Shards and Slivers.Beam Weapons are unaffected by attack speed buffs.Aura effects apply with units even if they are inside transports.Reverting to Gateway will complete production. That unit's supply and cost is not refunded. After Warpgate Research completion, Gateways will automatically transform into Warpgates, even if a unit is in production.

    Incontrol sc2 dead