IGNFF: What was the process for you, after moving out, as far as getting a foot in the industry? If I remember it correctly, wasn't an educational film your first professional work? DEMETRAL: Yeah.
But, ultimately, your parents either support what you do and let you go at it full board, or they hold you back in some way, and I'm glad I never had that – that kind of restrictive force, so to speak. I think my mother had some reservations about the industry just because she knows how brutal it can be, and she's absolutely correct in her assessment of it, I think. In fact, the greatest thing about them is that they've always been 100% supportive. IGNFF: Were your parents encouraging of that? DEMETRAL: Yeah, they were. Their reaction to your lines – I thought that was pretty cool. I did a couple of school plays, and I think just enjoyed the interaction that you get from the audience. I don't think there was this deep down burning passion to be an actor – certainly at seven I don't think you've really developed that yet.

IGNFF: Was it something that you had thought about even prior to the move, as far as performing and such? DEMETRAL: Yeah, it was, but I think it stemmed more from the fact that I've always wanted to entertain people, or make them smile, or tell a joke that would make them laugh. But you know, being like any young kid who thought acting was as simple as moving to Los Angeles, that influenced my decision.

California tends to have two seasons, which is summer and colder summer. Your first four years you can barely remember anyway, so we're just talking about three years, really, of Michigan weather. That's the culture that I've really grown up with. DEMETRAL: Yeah, but you know, the funny thing is I've felt – with so much time in Los Angeles – it's what I know. Talk about a tough decision to make as a kid – which parent do you decide you want to go with? IGNFF: Then, adding to that, such a culture shock. My parents were actually divorced, and my father transferred to California on a job thing. IGNFF: Was it a parental job type move? DEMETRAL: Yeah. Although I moved when I was seven to California, so it's still pretty much what I know. IGN FILMFORCE: You're from Michigan? CHRIS DEMETRAL: Yes, originally.